Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Get to Know Your Traveler

Hi everyone, 

Since I am starting a travel blog, I figured it would be a good idea to introduce myself and tell you a bit about myself before I write more or give you advice.

I study international business and marketing at Bradley University. I am a junior currently, and I have taken courses like global leadership and international studies throughout my time there. 

I may not be the most seasoned traveler, but I still have a lot to write about.

My international ventures began in March 2023 when I took a study abroad course in India. A group of students, professors, and I traveled to Delhi, Chennai, and Bangalore all in one week. A lot of planes, trains, and buses for 7 days! However, we still got to see many gems in each city.

In June of 2023, I then spent two weeks in Rome, Italy, where I got to dive a bit more into the culture. 

Reflecting back, I have a number of ideas to write about regarding traveling. I sure wish I knew more things before going international. You can only plan ahead so much without knowing the place you are visiting.

You never know what is going to catch you off guard or surprise you until you are actually in the moment. 

If you plan on traveling to a new country, continent, or city, consider keeping up with my blog as I will tell you stories and give you advice on cities in Asia and Europe!

See you next week, when I talk about my first travel topic. 

Any suggestions you would like to see? Leave a comment!

                                                                  - Dale

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