Thursday, April 11, 2024

The different types of travelers

The Different Types of Travelers

When traveling, it is important to plan out who you are going with. It might be an easy choice to go with a close friend, but it’s not always the best bet. Ask yourself these questions before you plan a trip with just anyone:
1. Are you going to be sleeping in the same room as them?
2. Do you like the room temp hot or cold?
3. Do you prefer sleeping with the blinds closed or open?
4. Does the person you plan on traveling with snore?
5. Are you spending a lot of money on this trip?
6. Do you value sleep or getting the most out of your time?

Although many people are a mix of these traits, here are the types of characters you’ll encounter when traveling.

The cheap skate
I understand we are all on a budget here, but why are you spending a lot of money on a trip to not get the most out of it?

You are going to Vegas, but you’re not gonna pay $30 to take the ferris wheel? LAME! What gets the most out of me with these people is that they have no problem with doordashing McDonald’s on the trip and making it 4x more expensive.

The Splurger
On the flip side, some people come with the idea that money grows on trees. I don’t know about you, but I’m not paying $7 for a water. I also am not taking a $30 taxi when I can walk 15 minutes.

The Historian
Sorry, but I’m not going to any city to go look at a museum all day. I can look that up online. A lot of these characters can be pushy about what I would call boring experiences.

The don’t try anything new traveler
Hold up, you’re in a city that’s across the country, but you want to go to Chick-fil-A?! Help! These travelers oftentimes don’t even care about the price, they just aren’t experimental. Sometimes, they will also find one local restaurant, but they only want to eat there the whole trip.

The Dare Devil
Yes, this traveler is going to jump off the Stratosphere in Vegas, and they’re going to do anything with a thrill. Don’t travel with this person if you are scared of heights, don’t enjoy change, or get scared easily.

The Vacationers
I understand if you are going to Florida, for example. Then, you will want to stay at the beach or pool all day. However, if we are going to Rome, then we are spending our days out and about, with no exceptions.

1 comment:

  1. I love history. It's not really something that you could turn into a career unless you become a history professor to continue the pyramid scheme. Other than that, it has to just be a hobby. Last year, I was in Austin, TX for a wedding, and I found myself with a few hours to kill. I chose to use this time in the live music capital of the country to go to the state capital and look around the statues there. I don't think that that's a lot of people's preferred activity, but I had fun.
